Like a wing walker, ever the novice, I’ve practiced hard learning to balance on the back of my assigned eagle. As I’ve travelled through life it’s been a battle to maintain consistent equilibrium. Some days I effortlessly stand squarely in the middle of his back. Others I’m on the precarious edge with my toes hanging off flailing against the wind.
I’ve noticed that when I haven’t spent daily time with my Father in His word I am worried, distracted and thrown off balance. My days are frustrating and everything seems difficult. Contentment employs evasive tactics. Happiness is elusive. Hope, a mere shadow upon the ground, just out of reach. And peace quickly dissolves into my tears. The longer I am away from Him, the more I avoid Him, the harder it is to return to Him. His word, though. I cannot escape it. Nor does it hide from me. Indeed, it pursues me. In spite of me, it is the tether securing me to my eagle. It is He, Himself, through it, giving me strength and courage to hold on, turning the fierce wind into a buoyant lift upon which we glide ever closer together. This is my prayer, oh Lord. Please, hold tight, and never let me let go. Why do you say, O Jacob, and assert, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD, and the justice due me escapes the notice of my God”? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youth grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:27-31.
This morning after finishing all my morning tasks, getting Ronnie Baby’s lunch made and seeing him off to work, getting myself dressed for the day, I sat down with a cup of tea to spend some time with the Lord and read my Bible.
After settling in and getting that just-right comfortableness, I realized that I forgot to get my reading glasses. Looking around I saw them all the way over there on the dining room table. A whole ten feet away! I decided to try reading without them, but opening to ~ I think it was Jeremiah chapter something ~ realized it wasn’t going to happen. Closing my bible I thought what am I going to do? I can’t read without my glasses, and I’m really comfortable right now. I can’t have time with the Lord without my Book. Can I? Here I am. I have a book but can’t read it. What if I could read but didn’t have a book? I could attempt to recall all the scriptures I’ve memorized over the years. That’s a good start. And I remember that He wrote His Torah upon my heart. So, I don’t necessarily need a book to spend time with Him. It’s good, always. But I don’t NEED it. I’m not blind. I look out at His creation and see Him. I have prayers and praise in my heart to offer Him. In the blessings of my home I am provided for and protected by Him. Through the love of my family and friends I feel Him and am nourished by Him. I truly lack for nothing. He is always with me. He’ll never forsake me. Yesterday, today and forever. PS. I decided to get up and get my glasses, cuz who knows what this post would have said had I not. “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” Jeremiah 31:33 Last April we started on a minor kitchen renovation. Two years ago we replaced worn out flooring, and replaced or repaired some furniture pieces and rearranged the living room a bit. That was great, and needed to be done.
But! It was Kitchen Time! It had been Kitchen Time for years! New countertops, sink, faucet, backsplash. Even though we’re still working on the details, all the scattered things are mostly back in order - temporary tables put away, sink and faucet installed with coffee pot handy again, and smooth countertops neatly covering their rough wood base. Although it takes time, I love this kind of stuff. It’s the vision of, and the bringing forth of, a transformation. I imagine that the Lord views me with the same enthusiasm. Though perhaps, with greater patience. Which eludes me much of the time. I recall one particular day, even though I called upon every ounce of my little bitty mustard seed of patience and faith, I was over it. Then I noticed, from my couch perspective, that just over the top of the mess piled up on the dining room table, out the dining room window, I saw my beautiful rhododendron in full glorious, deep pink bloom, illuminating the end of the tunnel. I’m very much looking forward to realizing the vision I see in my mind. Experiencing the different details and textures, noticing how all my choices work together. Hopefully, they’ll all be friends and play well together - like the Lord dreams of us, His children, playing nicely together. When that day arrives and I can say my kitchen home is complete, I imagine it will be just a shadow of the day when I’m all done in this messy, incomplete, wilderness displacement, that I can unpack not just my things, but more importantly, my heart, for good and forever, in my real forever home, Israel. The Lord declared, “Therefore behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that it shall no more be said, ‘The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt, but, The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them.’ For I will bring them back into their land which I gave to their fathers” (Jeremiah 16:14-15, NKJV).[i] This was the view from my living room window earlier today. Something about it drew me outside for a clearer look. And this is what I saw… Clouds. Aren't they magnificent? They're so intriguing to me, with their depth and softness against the blue sky. The dramatic contrast of deep, dark color and light within the clouds themselves. I’ve always thought a cloudless sky - though amazing it it’s own right - was sort of… boring. Reminding me of a stiflingly hot day in the Sacramento valley. Clouds bring refreshment and excitement. Arriving on the wind they call out and say, “Come! We have something to share!” Then proceed to demonstrate their acrobatic shape changing talents. Flashing a bit of silver lining they dance with the sunrise. If I dare to blink, suddenly they’re cavorting with the sunset. Before I can discern their next move they’ve vanished mysteriously into another realm. If I fell into them, I imagine they could cradle me upon their pouffy softness. Rain and snow, sleet and hail. Not to mention those lightening strikes! Yes, they bring it all. And shade. Blessed relief on that hot day. Besides, Danny and Bing would have no song to sing if there were no clouds to bring the snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! And life would be mean if it weren’t for lean Gene gleefully Singin’ in the Rain! Yes, it is nice to have a clear sky, swept and rinsed clean after a deep rain. Courtesy of… clouds. Leaves a nice fresh palette for them to display their glory and talent. Yes, bring on, bring on the clouds! I’ve often said, at least to myself, that all the love songs in all the world were written for God, the original Writer of Love Songs.
Growing up in the 70’s, there was Maranatha! Music, Love Song, Keith Green. These were the beginnings of my love affair with God. He knew what would draw my heart, and the heart of my generation. Which music, in particular. However, I’ve also noticed that many of the popular secular songs of that time and, in fact, all throughout time, could also, if heard with a spiritual ear, be a love song for - or from - God. Songs often pop into my head, sometimes for no logical reason, but many times I’ll notice they reflect something I’ve been thinking about. Or something God is trying to speak to my heart. Or a song that goes with some message I’ve recently heard - my friend calls those “companion songs”. So, just this morning, suddenly appearing was, An Old Fashioned Love Song, written by Paul H. Williams, for the group Three Dog Night. One of my absolute favorite groups of all time. It caused me to ponder the song, since it was stuck there anyway. So, dissecting it a bit, I discovered these interesting little love notes… “The sound of someone promising they’ll never go…” God will never leave us. He promised. “You swear you’ve heard it before…” Can I really trust Him? “No need in bringing ‘em back ‘cause they’ve never really gone…” Yes, He’s always with us. “… one I’m sure they wrote for you and me…” Father, Son, Holy Spirit. “…coming down in three part harmony…” Again, Father, Son, Holy Spirit! “To weave our dreams upon and listen to each evening when the lights are low. To underscore our love affair with tenderness and feeling that we’ve come to know…” This has to be those quiet times woven through our days and nights when it’s just Him whispering into our hearts, in the way that only He can do. No, it’s not always so simplistic, I get it. Nor can I twist it around and make too much of it all. It’s a secular song written about two lovers. But wouldn’t it be just like our creative God to use all means available within His infinite reach and power, even those creative efforts from man, to woo and capture, however He can, the hearts of those who are searching the world for their One True Love? Yes. At least it’s been my experience. So… shall we now look at the B-side… *One (is the Loneliest Number)..? Songwriter: Harry Edward Nilsson ![]() “But the Lord is faithful, Who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 All this week during the Feast of Unleavened Bread I’ve been struck with how good our God is. I’ve felt His presence so tangibly. I’m so thankful because there have been a few ugly challenges. A false accusation here, an assumption and misunderstanding there. Yet, somehow, He filled me with enough grace to answer them with kindness. Certainly not with perfection, but considering the 100 angry zingers I could have shot back with, I think it turned out pretty well. He’s been merciful - He always is - but it’s more than merely extending grace and mercy to me. He became my Grace and Mercy. He made a way, in the mysterious way He works in our lives, that allowed me to experience a different path. Embody a bit of His grace and mercy, so that perhaps I would have a better chance, an easier choice, of taking that path again the next time a difficult challenge comes along. Because now that the heat has cooled, I’m so very grateful I took His path. There’s so much less to clean up afterward!
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“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35 “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 It was around this season of Passover that Yeshua instructed His disciples to love one another. As it was then, so it continues to be, that our enemy prowls around with intent to divide, conquer and kill. Yeshua knew this then. Yet He allowed Himself to be killed anyway, knowing His enemy would rejoice. But only for a while. Years ago, I learned that if you are offended, look inside your heart to see what’s offend-able. This wise tidbit stuck with me all these years because it poked me in the nose a little bit. When I eventually worked through it and got over my offense I was able to see the truth and wisdom in it. When we are offended by, or in disagreement with our brother, our enemy rejoices. Always looking for a way to divide, he lurks around waiting for moments just like these. Let’s remember this, step back for a moment to pray. Allow our quick angry responses to be crucified, that we might lay down our life in a way similar to Yeshua. It’s not always easy. But can we come to each other in the opposite spirit? Can we offer a soft and loving answer, instead? One that will encourage us to draw together rather than divide? Can we rise above this death to begin to resemble the form and function of a body that reflects our Savior? Can we try? He’d be so very pleased. May this Passover season find you ever closer to the One Who Saves from Death. May this truly be the beginning of a new season of abundant life like you’ve never known! Lately, life has been very busy. Running our business, our home, participating in our local fellowship, remembering my family and friends, writing. It’s fairly overwhelming, especially when I can’t fix it all, or satisfy everyone, or remember everything. If I’m not doing, then I’m thinking about doing.
But then I remember Him in this season. His excruciatingly beautiful choice to give Himself up for me. All of my angst goes away and I remember what’s most important. He reminds me it’s okay. He’s got this. He’s got it all. And it will all be fine. It will all work itself out. After the many days that strung together which led up to His offering… promptly it was done. He worked it all out in a precisely timed moment, when His heart ceased to beat and His Spirit found its way to His Father. It all worked out fine. For Him. For me. For us all. His ultimate offering completed a circle which included me as a connecting part, touching lives, as He touched a life which touched me. I’ve heard time is a circle moving forward. If we could pull back and observe it from a distance it would look like one long unbroken spiral. We’d see the big picture, feel its tangibleness. Realize that all things connect. They begin at the same moment another ends. So many events all happening all at the same time. Things concluding overlapping things beginning. It all works out somehow in some way. And I return with all my hearts effects loosely held in open hands, once again to Him. Who was. Who is. Who will always be. With blessings to you today! This series, Progression of Prayer, has been inspired by the excellent bible study by Kristin Schmucker, "Arise, A study on the book of Nehemiah".
“Please remember the word that You commanded Your servant Mosheh, saying ‘If you trespass, I shall scatter you among the peoples, but if you shall turn back to Me, and guard My commands and do them, though you were cast out to the end of the heavens, I shall gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen, to make My Name dwell there.’ And they are Your servants and Your people, whom You have ransomed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand.” Nehemiah 1:8-10 In the last two posts we’ve considered the prayer of Nehemiah in Chapter 1:5-11. We looked at two of the keys that open our hearts to the Lord: adoration and declaration of His sovereignty; and our confessions of sin. Both turn in tandem to unlock our hearts, refocusing them on Him. Now in verse 8, we see that it also makes way for us to bring our petitions before Him, offering a reminder to our promise-keeping God of the promises He made to His people. Reminding Him of who those people are. Not because He’s forgetful, but rather that they remember who they are. But there’s something else in this scripture. You have to sort of look for it. Nehemiah reminds God of His word to His people, ‘if you trespass, I shall scatter you… but if you shall turn back to Me… though you were cast out… I shall gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen…’ Could this refer to us and our children? If we will return, will God also bring our children? It’s worth pondering! Nehemiah offered one of the sweetest things I can think of when he spoke back to God His own words. He knew his God and knew His promises. It showed he was listening to what God said. And he remembered it. For us, to apply it to ourselves is a reminder of who we are and to Whom we belong. It acknowledges to our Promise Keeping God that we realize how much patience, power and strength He has expended upon us, His people. He saves us ~ and our children ~ because of His Heart to do so. God is faithful and will always do what He says He’ll do. So let’s also remember that He will. Let’s come when He calls. Let’s do what He asks. And let’s remember Who loves us and love Him back. I pray you were blessed. Have a great week! This series, Progression of Prayer, was inspired by the excellent bible study by Kristin Schmucker, "Arise, A study on the Book of Nehemiah".
“…please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, to hear the prayer of Your servant which I am praying before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. Both my father’s house and I have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against You, and have not guarded the commands, nor the laws, nor the right-rulings which You commanded Your servant Moses.” Nehemiah 1:6-7 In Part 2 of the Progression of Prayer, we read of Nehemiah’s request for the Lord to hear, see and be attentive to his prayers. Which is interesting, as if the Lord maybe wouldn’t have been. So perhaps his request boosted his courage a bit. He’d already been diligent and thoughtful in his prayers up until now. I believe he knew His God, and knew Him to be merciful, but what was coming next was very important. He needed to submit to Him. Confess and acknowledge his imperfections, his sin. Not only his own, but also those of his family, and those of Israel, the nation in which he was rooted deeply. It can be difficult to face up to our own sins against God, but to also carry the weight of them for our brothers and even our nation? That’s heavy, man. So by asking God to hear, see and be attentive to my confession seems to me to clear my heart of presumption, acknowledging that I know that He knows that I know that I’m not perfect. That I also know that He has chosen me for a purpose. That I’m here on this earth by His design and intention. That I truly desire to follow Him and His instructions for carrying out my part of His plan. That I so much need His help with that. It’s a heavy serious consideration how we approach our Father, Who is also Creator of all. I feel very daughterly toward Him. At the same time I feel humble before the One Who contains all the power possible and yet, having experienced it, know that His first choice is mercy mercy mercy. Blessings! |
August 2024